Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

We celebrated our first Christmas Eve as a family today. The girls received gifts from their dad. Scot was so excited when his packaged arrived and would not tell me what it was. When Scot got home from work he could not wait any longer to give the girls his gifts. He did not have them wrapped so he took Skylar into our bedroom to give it to her. This is what Skylar looked like when she walked out of the room. Yep...she is wearing hunting camo. There is pink on the collar, on the wrists and down by the feet. The outfits are really cute! Then the girls gave Scot their gift. Alysha was more interested in her own toys. The girls gave Scot Electronic Banking Monopoly. Scot LOVES to play Monopoly. Scot and I enjoyed a really nice ham dinner. After the girls went to bed Scot and I tried out his new game. I am happy to report that I finally beat him at Monopoly. Granted it was only by $30,000 but I still beat him. It was a great first Christmas Eve as a family and I look forward to next year when we can hopefully start our own family traditions.

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