Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Our Family Weekend in Ruby Creek

This past weekend we spent time with the Van Dam family in Ruby Creek at Brad and Holly's cabin. We headed up Thrusday night and came home on Sunday. We had a great time and wonderful weather.

Here we are having breakfast Friday morning. I was amazed how cold it was in the morning. Brad likes to leave the windows opened all night so it is very cold in the morning and stays comfortable all day long.

Brad and BrysonFriday morning Scot and Brad took Mason and Colton fishing. Colton caught a nice fish. I guess the fishing was very slow. In the afternoon they went kayaking. While Skylar and Alysha were taking their nap I took advantage of laying out and relaxing with Holly and my mother in love. It was very warm sitting on the deck that I decided to jump in the river to cool off! It was very, very refreshing to say the least!
When the guys got back from their kayaking trip us girls decided to take a trip.

Here is Grandma with her grandkids.
Skylar and Alysha climbing down the stairs to our room. Saturday afternoon we went to Schoolcraft Beach. Alysha loved it! She could not get enough of the wet sand and walking around.
Skylar on the other hand, HATED the beach. She did not want to move!
Here is Bryson just loving the sand and having a blast!This was the girls' first trip to the beach for 2011.
Colton having fun with the watering cans. Mason and Scot wrestling around in the water.

Saturday night we had a great dinner! Brad made us marinated flank steak.

Skylar and I on Sunday morning.
Thanks Brad and Holly for letting us spend the weekend at your cabin. We had a great time!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Girls' First Time to the Fair

Skylar and Alysha went to the Hudsonville Fair tonight with Scot and I. We walked them through all the animal barns. It was so fun to watch how they reacted. Not to my surprise but Alysha wanted to get out of the stroller and touch every animal. Skylar was really content to just stay in the stroller. After the animal barns we had DJs pizza, fair fries, and onion rings. I was hoping the girls were not going to get stomach aches from this dinner of champions. After our greasy dinner we took the girls to go sit on the lawn mowers. We ended the night with the girls hanging out in a huge tractor tire. They did not want to get out. I can't want to take them in the years to come when are able to ride on rides and really get into it!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Bryson!

Happy 1st Birthday Bryson! Tonight we celebrated our nephew's first birthday! We had a great time spending time with family and enjoying the nice summer weather!How cute is this cake??? My sister-in-love, Holly, did it herself. Isn't she talented?

It was cute watching Bryson checking out all his presents. I think his bothers, Mason and Colton, had tons of fun opening his gifts for him. Bryson was having a lot of fun pushing Alysha around on the deck.
Me and my girls.

Monday, August 15, 2011

There is still time.....

Have you enjoyed going to the ice cream shop this summer? Did you have a few too many drinks around the campfire? Did you enjoy your family BBQs?

Do you feel like you need to lose a few pounds before the holidays hit? If so, I have the right competition for you!

Win at Losing #3 is going to start on Wednesday, August 31. This is a 12 week competition and it is open to anyone who would like a little challenge and needs accountability.

Here are a few of the highlights:
1. You set your own weight loss goal. The only requirement is that you have to lose at LEAST 5% of your body weight.

2. This competition is for anyone that wants to join.

3. The cost is $30 to join. You will get back $20 if you reach your goal that you set for yourself. The remaining $10 goes into the pot. If you do not reach your goal the entire $30 goes into the pot.

4. Everyone is given a free piggy pass. This can be used if you gain weight any week of the competition.

5. If you gain weight you need to pay a $2.00 fee if you have already used your piggy pass.

6. All contestants need to report their weight loss or gain by 3:00 on Wednesday to the Gatekeeper. If you fail to report by 3:00 you will be charged a $3.00 fee.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email or call me.
Phone: 616-688-5194

Hope you consider joining!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Girls Night Out

Tonight my mother in love spoiled us with a girls night out at her home. This has been a tradition of ours for a few years now and it is always a great time! My mother in love always makes us really yummy food. This time we had bbq meatballs, ham and cheese cresant rolls, fruit salsa, pizza rolls, hot cheese onion dip, and mushrooms. And of course she made a really yummy dessert, chocolate chip bisquits with fruit in between. No diets tonight ladies!! After dinner we all received fun gift bags.

THANK YOU MOM for a great night! You really know how to make us feel special!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Scot's New Boat

Yep...Scot bought a paddle boat! It was a lot of fun to take the boat out on the pond. Alysha loved it and Skylar could not get off it fast enough. Just when you think you know your kids they throw you for a loop. Scot even caught a couple of fish when we were out on the boat and Alysha thought that was the coolest thing.