Tuesday, October 20, 2009

28 Weeks

Today marks 28 weeks! I can't believe how fast time is flying by. Just think 2 more months and we will be a family of four!

Yesterday, I had my doctor's appointment and another ultrasound. Everything looks great, which is the best news you can hear at your doctor's appointment. My weight is good and there is plenty of fluid for each twin. Twin A is weighing in at 2lbs 10 oz and Twin B is weighing in at 2lbs 8 oz. The twins are exactly were they need to be and are measuring as if I was carry one baby, but the reality is I am carry two!! Dr. Siegers told be to be prepared for 7lb twins. I don't know if my stomach can stretch much more!

Twin A moved and is currently vertical in the breach position on my right side. Twin B is still laying horizontal. There is more than a 75% chance I will have a c-section. Dr. Siegers will not schedule the c-section till a week prior to my due date, but he thinks more than likely I will go on my own prior to that time.

I had a different nurse this time b/c my normal nurse was on vacation. She does not know the sex of the twins and based on the heartbeats her guess is we are having one of each.

My appointments will now be every two weeks. My next appointment is Monday, Nov. 2nd.

1 comment:

The Neales said...

Wow! Glad everything is going well.