Monday, October 20, 2008

Babies Every Where

Wow....2008, especially the last few months have been anoucement after anoucement of friends and family expecting their first, second or third baby.

Congratulations to my sister, Amber & her husband David who are expecting their 2nd child in June.

Congratulations to Steve and Andrea who are expecting their first child in April.

Congratulations to Michael and Erin who are expecting their second child in May.

Congratulations to Aaron and Roberta who are expecting their first child in February.

Congratulations to Matt and Karri who are expecting their third child in June.

I am very happy for all the couples listed above. What a wonderful gift & blessing from God. I pray that each of these couples have a great pregnancy and healthy babies.

On another note: I'm praying for those who would love to make an annoucment like those above & it just hasn't been in God's plan or our timing hasn't matched God's. I know there are couples out there that know exactly what I am talking about. For those of you that have no idea what I am talking about - I pray that you try to put yourselves in our shoes and feel our heartache.


Anonymous said...

Hi Miss

I finally found your blog. Very nice. I wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and remember those feelings very well. It hard, your happy for them, but want it for yourselves so bad also!
We know HIS plan is better, but is hard to understand. Please know I'm thinking of you and will hold you and Scott in my prayers.
Thinking of you with love.
Aunt Linda

Amanda said...

I know no one who has children can totally know what you are feeling but I do know that not one of those people would ever want this struggle for you! Everyone of us that have children know that they are a complete blessing from God and do not take that blessing for granted. Remember that God puts trial in all our lives, its just not infertilaty for everyone. I pray for God's wisdom and timing for you and Scot. I pray you will not let your heart harden over this. You are a beautiful person, God has a great plan for you!