Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas with the Van Dam's

Merry Christmas!!! Christmas morning Scot and I celebrated with his family. We had a wonderful brunch at 10:30. Mom and Scot were busy in the kitchen making made to order omelets. Omelet's were Scot's request to have on the menu. There was no way you could have left hungry. Along with the omelets the following items were available: monkey bread, blueberry french toast, spiral ham, twice baked potatoes, fresh fruit, jello, and rolls. We also had plenty of sweets to munch on during the day. After brunch we opened presents. It is always fun to watch the kids get so excited over their gifts. It is craziness once we get going!! Even though the twins are still not here they even received a few gifts as well. Uncle Brad, Aunt Holly, Mason & Colton got the twins a Bumbo and a tray for the bumbo. Grandma and Grandpa got the twins a soft Noah's ark book and two learning games. I received a very nice pajama set, a bracelet, a cooling pad for our laptop, and a gift bag filled with goodies for the kitchen. Scot received a hunting tent, a docking station for his office, and the movie, A Dog named Christmas.
Colton and Scot goofing around.

Mason, Dad, & Braden

Mom received a daily devotional from Scot and I. We got Mason the game Blokus. Not sure he knew what it was.
Braden loved getting legos this year!! Colton waiting for his dad to fix his pack back filled with cars. Jayce received the game, Scatterpillar Scramble. Tristan opening up one of his gifts. Heidi, Me, and Holly
Scot and I The Balder Family
After all the presents were opened the boys found spots at the table to put together their lego set and other toys that needed assembling. This kept them quiet for a long time.

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