Monday, December 14, 2009

35 Weeks & 6 Days - Our last Ultrasound

Today we had our last ultrasound at 9:30. Scot and I were happy to find out that the twins are doing great! When we stared the ultrasound, our favorite ultrasound tech, Lori, made the comment that these twins are looking big. Twin A is 5 pounds and 13 ounces and Twin B is 6 pounds and 6 ounces. Lori thinks the measurements for Twin A is a bit low and the measurements for Twin B is a bit high. If she had to guess she thinks the twins are about 6 pounds each. We also heard two healthy heart beats! Twin A had a heartbeat of 152 and Twin B had a heartbeat of 134. Scot and are still thinking a boy and a girl. The twins are still laying in the same position as last time, transverse (horizontal).

At 3:00 I had my third non-stress test. This test took 45 minutes and the results were positive. At 4:00 I had a doctor's appointment. By blood pressure is good and we talked about the fact the most likely I will be having a c-section. At this time the only thing we scheduled was my next doctor's appointments. I have to go back in on Thursday for another non-stress test. Monday, I have an appointment at 3:00 for another non-stress test and then I have a doctor's appointment with Dr. Strong because Dr. Siegers will be on vacation.

So basically, we are taking it one day at a time. Thanks again for all your prayers and concern during our pregnancy. We have been very blessed with a healthy pregnancy and healthy twins!


Slotman Family said...

Missy - such good news! I'm thinking a boy and a girl too...they're heartbeats are so different!

Anonymous said...

Can't believe all your excitment Missy!!!! Hope all is still going well, and can't wait to meet your new bundles of joy!!! (Can't wait to hold them too) ;-) Thinking and praying for you!!! Kristen Berens & Kiel Patmos