Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Evening

I think the best gift that Scot and I received on Christmas day is the fact that the girls did took a three hour nap!!! I was so thankful that they did get a good nap because we still had one more party to go to. Around 5:30 we headed over to Scot's parents to celebrate Christmas with them. We had a nice ham dinner and afterwards opened gifts. Again, the girls had a great time opening their gifts. What do you think of Skylar's cool headband??? Got to love it when your two year old has to do EVERYTHING by themselves. Alysha and Skylar both received doll strollers from Grandpa and Grandma. Alysha thought it would be fun to use it for herself.
Skylar used hers to push around, Kringles, Grandma's Reindeer. Mason opening up his football.The girls' and I surprised Grandma with a serving tray that has pictures of their first Christmas Tea. The gift almost brought Grandma to tears. I know she will treasure this gift for many years to come. Skylar had a lot of fun helping others open up their gifts.

Mom and DadHolly and Bryson
Opening stockings is the Christmas traditions Grandpa and Grandma Van Dam do for the grandkids. It was so much fun to watch Alysha and Skylar open up their stockings this year because last year they had no idea what was going on. DVD, puzzles, I Spy Books, candy, little people car, winter hat, are just a few of the fun items the girls found in their stockings this year. LOVE how excited Skylar got when she found dot candy in her stocking!!!Family Christmas PictureChristmas 2011 was FANTASTIC. Watching the sparkle and joy in Skylar and Alysha during this holiday season made me look at Christmas in a whole new way! I can't wait to watch them in the years to come and make more memories and start more traditions!!!

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