Monday, November 16, 2009

2nd to Last Ultra Sound

Today we had our 2nd to last ultra sound. I was so excited to see our ultra sound tech, Lori. I could not wait to find out how much the twins have gained and how they were laying. To my amazement, each twin is weighing in at 4 pounds & 3 ounces. The twins did not move much from the last ultra sound. Their heads are both on my left side and they are laying horizontal. We were able to get some very cool 3D pictures this time around!

After my ultra sound I had a doctor's appointment with my nurse, Cathy & Dr. Siegers. Everything looks great. My blood pressure is good, nothing wrong with my urine, and only slight swelling. We also were able to hear two healthy heart beats again. My uterus is measuring 44 weeks. It is such a blessing from God when we get good reports from the doctor's office.

I will be 32 weeks tomorrow and the twins could come at anytime and they would be okay. Dr. Siegers would love to see me reach 36 to 37 weeks. This would mean the twins would arrive the week before Christmas or the week of Christmas. Unfortunately, Dr. Siegers will be on vacation in Florida during this time. I am really hoping the twins come when Dr. Siegers is in town! This is out of my control and the Lord knows when the right time is for the twins to come into this world.

I am still able to work 30 hours this week and we will review the situation next doctor's appointment on Monday. My goal is to work another 30 hours and to make it till the first week of December. My next ultra sound (if the twins wait that long) is scheduled for Monday, December 14. Lori thinks at that time the twins will be weighing in at 6 pounds.

Thanks for all your prayers and support during this time. We are now on the home stretch!


The Neales said...

YAY! This is great news. Maybe the twins will wait for the new year! :)

Anonymous said...

I heard that Dr. Strong (also in siegers office) is very recommended too! So even if you don't get your first choice (which hopefully you do:)) You have a wonderful 'back-up':)