Thursday, September 17, 2009

3rd Ultra Sound

Today, I am 23 weeks and two days into my pregnancy which means another ultra sound and doctor's appointment. My ultra sound was at 8:45 this morning w/my favorite ultra sound tech, Lori! I am thankful to announce that the twins are doing GREAT! There are two healthy heart beats and each twin is weighing in at 1 pound and 5 ounces. Twin A is lower and this twin is in the same position as the last ultra sound - laying horizontally with the head on my right side and feet on my left. Twin B is the higher twin and moved this time around. Twin B is also laying horizontally with the head on my left side and feet on my right side. Lori was able to get an awesome picture of twin B's head and twin A's foot right next to each other. The twins are already picking on each other, twin A as kicking Twin B in the head.....poor thing. It is so much fun to see them moving and hear the heart beats during the ultra sound. Lori also did a profile pic of each twin next to each other and her guess is that the twins will look totally different than one another. Twin A has a bigger head and nose than than Twin B. Scot was unable to attend today's ultra sound because he was working in Newaygo. I told Scot about one twin having a bigger head and he thinks that is because one is a girl and one is a boy. Time will tell if Scot is right.

After the ultra sound I saw my nurse, Cathy, and then Dr. Siegers. Cathy highly recommended that I get the flu shot, so I got that today and will get the swine flu shot next month when it is available. Per Cathy everything looks great. My blood pressure is good and the twins look great.

Dr. Siegers and I briefly talked about me still working and how that was going and the fact that I have a 75 % chance of having a c-section. My next appointment is Monday, October 19. I can't wait to see how much the twins have changed in another four weeks. Everything is going so well what a blessing from God.

I am also happy to report that I don't have sharp back pain at night anymore. I am not sure if this is b/c Twin B moved, but I am thankful to be sleeping better at night. Just another answer to prayers.

Scot and I appreciate all your prayers during our pregnancy!

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