Sunday, December 14, 2008

De Vree Christmas Party

Our De Vree Christmas Party was smaller this year than normal. Unfortunately, a lot of our family could not make it due to other commitments or sickness. Even though we were missing a lot of people we still had a good time. There was more than enough food and a table full of sweets. This year all the grandchildren put together a picture book for our grandparents. I am sure my grandmother will be showing it to a lot of people and the book will be looked at often.
This might be a great tradition to start.
Me & my Grandmother

Heather, Jennifer, & Jodi

Sarah & Chris

Jennifer & I
My Parents
Uncle Gerrit & Aunt Terri

1 comment:

The Neales said...

LOL, Dad's outfit is...different. Maybe its just the way the collar lays. Cute pics.