Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Babies are TWO!!!!

Yes it is babies are TWO!!!! I have no idea where the past two years have gone. It is AMAZING to me how much Skylar and Alysha have changed during the past year. My girls are all over the place, they have to do everything by themselves, and they are talking like crazy!!! This morning the girls had their two year check up and thankfully both of them are healthy!! Skylar is 29.8 pounds and stands at 2 feet 9 inches.Alysha is 25.4 pounds and stands at 2 feet 8 inches tall. This evening the girls opened their birthday gifts from Scot and I. We got them a doctor's kit and cookie and cake play food. Skylar and Alysha are listening to Aunt Heidi and their cousins sing them Happy Birthday! After they opened their gifts we had dinner and their birthday cupcakes! After dinner they opened their birthday cards from Great Grandma Hoekstra. and had a wrestling match with Daddy. Now the fun begins....potty training and getting rid of the pacifers! Wish us luck!!!

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